All of my professional work experience so far has been in external relations roles with companies in the startup and non-profit sectors. I enjoyed working alongside brilliant professionals who gave me wonderful opportunities to learn and grow as a young college student.

Read on to learn more about my experiences interning at a small coding school in San Francisco and a first-rate theater company in Chicago.

Institutional Relations Internship with Court Theatre

Since the start of the 2018/2019 academic year, I’ve been working part-time in Court Theatre’s development department. I use my attention to detail to perform various administrative tasks that help Court obtain outside funding for their theatrical productions and community engagement initiatives.

On a typical day, I research and prepare grant applications for the development team. Specifically, I search for application guidelines, procedures and deadlines on our funders’ websites and compile them into a streamlined application package and checklist using Word templates.

Since I’m the first one in the organization to see the grant application, I design the package so that it’s easily understood by other stakeholders in the organization, including the rest of the development team and executive leadership.

From there, the Institutional Relations Manager and I collaborate to write persuasive grant application narratives and attach all the relevant supporting documentation.

In addition to grant writing, I also work on long-term projects for the development department. On one project, I automated the sorting of scanned documents into folders by Fiscal Year. I accomplished this by adapting an AppleScript I found on StackExchange, saving Court dozens of man-hours.

Content & Journalism Internship with App Academy

App Academy taught me everything I know today about content marketing and blogging through the many projects I completed while working at their innovative coding bootcamp over Summer 2018. I thrived in their fast-paced startup environment where interns were expected to work as diligently as full-time employees. Here’s an overview of the projects I’ve worked on:

  • Blog Posts: In only ten weeks, I drafted ten articles for the company’s blog on WordPress. Each article was written to optimize readability and SEO.
  • Video Content: I produced two short videos showcasing App Academy’s instructional staff and student testimonials. This was my first time editing video professionally using Final Cut Pro.
  • YouTube Channel: I helped make App Academy’s YouTube channel easier to navigate by creating playlists and linking to content from our influencers.
  • Ad Design: Using Sketch, my team of interns and I worked together to come up with a creative set of ads and create a Facebook Ad Campaign from scratch.

A Sample of my video content

A sample blog post about App Academy’s Bootcamp Prep Class